Jin Dongfang's brief introduction

Jin Dongfang was a brilliant student when she studied in "China Academy of Fine Art" and then she studied under the guidance of Master Lin Fengmian and Guan Liang for 7 years. During the time, she also worked for "Shanghai Fine Art Museum". Afterwards, She went to Guangxi, teaching in "Guangxi Academy of Art" and was the vice leader of oil painting Group of "Guangxi Arts Association". Her oil painting "Girl of Dong Nationality" is bought and collected by "Guangxi Museum".
She came to Hong Kong in 1966 and worked as a teacher in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and in the department of External Course of Hong Kong Baptist University. Jin was invited to large painting exhibitions. In 1974, she gave up the painting and embarked the literary career to make a living and worked as a playwriter of TV station, as editor in chief for paper supplement. Her play "Saijinhua" was performed by "Hong Kong Repertory Theatre". She has published more than 2O novels and essays, and is especially good at historical novel and is the president of "Hong Kong Academy of Historical Novel". Her literature works are always published into several versions such as Hong Kong version, mainland version and Taiwan version. In 1991, Jin restored her painting and in 1992 she had "Jin Dongfang Painting Exhibition" held at her homeland Changzhou, JiangSu. In 1993, "Jiangxi Arts' Association" and "Lommel Gallery" held "Jin Dongfang Painting Exhibition" at Nanchang and Cologne, Germany respectively. In 1994, "Selected Paintings of Beijing Opera Figures by Jin Dongfang" was published. In 1995, International Gallery held "Jin Dongfang Painting Exhibition" at "Hong Kong Arts Center" and her Beijing Opera paintings were shown on "the 5th International Workshop of European Drama" in Germany.
In 1966, "Taiwan Drama Museum" held "Jin Dongfang Beijing Opera Painting Exhibition." In 1997, "Maijishan Academy of culture" held "Jin Dongfang Painting Exhibition". In 1998, "China and Germany Friendship Association" held "Jin Dongfang Painting Exhibition" at Dusseldorf, Germany. In 1999, "Consulate General of France at Hong Kong" held "Jin Dongfang Painting Exhibition" inside the Consulate. She was appointed chairman of "Hong Kong Alumni Association of China Academy of Fine Art" and "Jin Dongfang Painting Collection" was published. .In 2000, Hong Kong O Gallery held "jin Dongfang Painting Exhibition". In 2002, " Tahiti Culture Museum at Polynesia FRANCAlSE" and "Wollongong University" Sydney held "Jin Dongfang Painting Exhibition" respectively. In 2003, "Cathay Gallery" held "Jin Dongfang Painting Exhibition" at Paris France. In 2004, Jin attended "Beijing Art Fair". In 2005, Hong Kong Country Club held "Jin Dongfang Painting Exhibition". In 2006, Jin attended "China Art Fair". In 2007, she was invited by the "Confucius institute at Free University Berlin" to teach Chinese brush painting and hold personal exhibition, which lasted 2 months. In 2008, WD Gallery invites Jin to hold her solo exhibitions once more at Berlin between April and May 2008.



Please refer the details“Artist's Introduction”.


“中國美術學院”肄業,任職“上海美術館”期間,師從林風眠與關良大師七年,任教“廣西藝術學院”多年,並任“廣西美協”油畫組副組長;油畫《侗族姑娘》為“廣西博物館”購藏。1966年到香港,任教“香港中文大學”與“浸會大學校外課程部”。多次應邀參與香港大型畫展。1974年為生活棄畫從文,任電視台編劇與大報副刊主編多年。劇作《賽金花》由“香港話劇團”盛大公演。已出版之小說、散文二十餘本,尤擅歷史小說,任“香港歷史小說學會”會長。文學作品往往一書多版;香港、大陸、台灣版。1991年重拾畫筆,1992年回家鄉常州舉行“金東方畫展”。1993年“江西美協”在南昌,Lommel畫廊在科隆先後主辦“金東方畫展”。1994年《金東方戲曲人物畫選》出版 。1995“國際畫廊”在“香港藝術中心”主辦“金東方畫展”:第五屆“歐洲戲劇國際研討會”在德國舉行,展出金東方戲曲畫作。1996年“台灣戲劇館”主辦“金東方戲曲畫展”。1997年麥積山“天水畫院”主辦“金東方畫展”。1998年“德中友協”在Düsseldorf主辦“金東方畫展”。1999年法國駐香港“總領事館”在館內主辦“金東方畫展”;任“中國美術學院香港校友會”會長。《金東方畫冊》出版。2000年“香港O畫廊”主辦“金東方畫展”。2002年“大溪地文化館”與悉尼“Wollongong大學”,先後主辦“金東方畫展”。2003年法國巴黎“Cathay畫廊”主辦“金東方畫展”。2004年參加北京“藝博會”展出。2005年香港“鄉村俱樂部”主辦“金東方畫展”。2006年參加中國“藝博會”展出。2007年應德國自由大學孔子學院之遨,九月和十月去柏林授課和舉辦個人畫展六周;并將于2008年五月,應柏林WD 畫廊之邀再去柏林舉辦個人畫展四周。


